
Stunning Ways to Increase Facebook Page Likes

Facebook is among the most effective and free blog marketing tools that allow you to discover or create a new segment of your target viewers. You can set up your own Facebook page for the blog you are running. This lets your visitors connect with your company through Facebook and engage with your brand. With over one billion Facebook users, it can become viral. This is only possible when you have an audience on the Facebook fan page. This article will provide some suggestions that can aid you in getting more fans on your Facebook page.

Add a LikeBox widget to your blog.

The best method to gain more people to like your Facebook page is to add a Like Box to your blog. Create a Text widget and get your code through FaceBook Developers. It is suggested to display the faces that are of your Fans. You can customize the device with text according to the design. The Sidebar can be a great option.

Invite Friends

Invite friends is an inbuilt function of Facebook that lets users invite their Facebook friends. Facebook will notify your friends whenever you ask them to join your group click here.

Go to your profile, click on Open Admin Panel, Invite Friends and then select the Option “Search All Friends.”

Invite Email Contacts

It is also possible to invite Email Contacts to join this tab. Take a look at the image above. Click on the Email Friends tab, and you’ll have most of the Email providers to select your contacts. You can invite up to 5000 contacts.

Create more admins to invite friends and to invite contacts via Email

There are only 500 friends but don’t fret, and you can create more Admins and invite more Email Contacts and friends. Invite your friends to Admin or members of your blogging circle. Let’s do some math If you create five admins with 500 followers.

Share Pictures and Recent News Updates, which are highly sharable

People love to keep up-to-date with recent news and current events. Thus, sharing relevant information makes your Facebook page very popular. People also enjoy reading inspirational quotes and funny posts on Facebook. When you post photos and positions, people will begin sharing your photos. Remember that images are shared more frequently than status updates, so even if you’ve got 200 likes on your Facebook page, you could connect with up to 2000 people.

The contest was a Fan-Only one.

You can organize an exclusive contest for fans to gain several Facebook page likes. You can give a free domain for one year and software that likes your page. The announcement on your page or the creation of events on Facebook or via your website, certain groups, your Wall, etc., can make your contest more well-known.

Design attractive Cover Photos

Making attractive photos will encourage Facebook users to want to follow your page. You can use your blog’s specialization, for example, Technology, Mobiles which informs people who visit your page about what it is about.

Most users of Page owners also put their fans’ photos on their Cover photo, encouraging people to Like their page.

Utilize Facebook’s URL in your signature email and Forums

We are in conversation with customers and friends every day. So why not include an official Facebook page’s URL? It’ll draw the attention of your page in your Facebook friends.

Post your page on your Wall and the other Social Networks

Oft, we share a lot of status updates and photos on our social media. What is the reason for sharing your website?

It is recommended to share at minimum once a week on Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, etc.

Engaging with more of Your Page’s Fan Fans

We often discuss engaging with blog commentators on the Word Press blog. Why not put it on Facebook?

Engaging and responding to your users’ questions will establish your fan as permanent users and inspire others to connect with other users on your page. This will improve your visibility in Facebook’s News Feed. !


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